Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

These are the most common questions I get asked about ImageDesign services. If there is anything else you want to know, please email me.

  1. What happens in the initial consultation? During the initial consultation we meet either online, or at your home, for a style consult and to go through one season’s worth of items in your closet. We start with a color analysis, and then discuss style, fabric and fit. Next, we sort through the items in your closet deciding what to keep, and what to donate. Finally, we create outfits and return items to the closet in an organized fashion. You will receive a three-part shopping list, custom color chart, and pdf of style suggestions.

  2. How often will we meet? We’ll meet for the initial consultation and/or wardrobe edit to go through your closet and see what’s needed. Then we’ll have two – three shopping trips, which can be online, or in person, to complete your wardrobe. After that we’ll shop seasonally 2 – 4 times per year.

  3. Where do we go shopping? We discuss where to shop before we meet, and base it on accessibility, selection and value. Often, we will visit more than one store, so meeting at a mall or central shopping location is the best choice. Online shopping is an option as well, and the software program I offer makes online shopping easy and appealing. In either case, we choose a venue that is convenient, within budget and offers the styles you’re looking for.

  4. What if I can’t afford to buy everything at once? Before our shopping trip I will create a shopping list with three sections – Need it now; Purchase in 6 months; Longer-term wants. In the first trip we’ll focus on the need it now section, while keeping a lookout for items in the other two groups. I recommend shopping in phases, to gradually build your wardrobe, and we’ll keep track of cost to see what’s being spent. Throughout the process we’ll be on the lookout for sales and savings so we don’t go over budget.

  5. What if I’m losing weight and anticipate my size changing? While you’re losing weight is a perfect time to get started with a wardrobe makeover. We always begin with a closet edit, and keep the clothes that fit, or that we anticipate will fit in the future. Then, we’ll spread out the shopping trips so that you have something to wear at every weight level. We’ll look for versatile items that can be worn in different ways as you lose the weight.

  6. How do you measure for custom clothes? If you are interested in custom clothes, we discuss your needs and I personally will come meet you at your home or office with fabric swatches and measuring tools. I take all the measurements and use existing items to see how you like clothing to fit. We decide on fabrics, styles, buttons, etc. The appointment takes an hour, and 4 – 6 weeks later you will have your new custom clothes.

  7. What are your COVID-19 procedures? ImageDesign is here for you during the Covid-19 pandemic, with the health and safety of our valued clients and supporters foremost in our minds. Please know that we are able to serve you virtually at this time, and are also scheduling limited in-person appointments which include the necessary health precautions. Our entire range of services is available online via Zoom. In addition, we have a selection of webinars available for your company, association, or school group. Please contact us to learn more about finding your style virtually.