Wouldn’t it be nice to look in your closet, quickly choose items and then combine them into a flattering outfit? There are several ways to create a daily outfit, and much of it has to do with what happens before you even look in your closet. To get started, I suggest you think in your mind about creating your daily outfit as you would building a uniform. Consider what types of pieces you feel comfortable in, your likes & dislikes, what’s flattering and your plan for the day. There are situations, and events, of course when we want to break out of our mold, but for work or just general daily dressing, there should be a plan set in your mind for what to wear. Once you know the plan it’s easy to create a daily outfit. Don’t worry about trends or accessorizing, that comes later.

Arrange Your Closet

The ease with which you can create your daily outfit goes back to how your closet is arranged. I suggest putting all like pieces together, and then within that category, arrange by color, frequency of wear, or some other detail. In other words, all blazers together, all pants together, all blouses together, etc. Then within that category, arrange how you prefer. This way everything has a place, and it’s easy to grab what you need, whether it’s a blouse, pair of pants, skirt or dress, which then can complete an outfit.

Choose Your Pieces

As you are creating your daily outfit, consider choosing an item, top or bottom, that will be your “anchor.” This is what you will build the rest of your outfit around. Choose something that simply appeals to you, and suits your mood, works for the weather, along with your plans for the day. Next add a matching or complimentary top or bottom, whichever you need. Assuming both pieces are flattering, chances are they will work together. Think about pairing long with short, and blousy or billowy with fitted, but this is not essential. Or, choose a dress, which simplifies what else you need to wear. Your anchor could also be an interesting pair of shoes, a bright patterned scarf, or a unique necklace.

Then, select a third piece, which will complete the look. This is often a jacket or cardigan, but could be a scarf or shawl, statement necklace or interesting handbag. Lastly, add shoes, jewelry and a belt if needed.

Some possible outfits to consider are:

  • Flared jeans with a knit top and blazer
  • Trousers with a sweater and scarf or interesting necklace
  • Casual pants with a blouse and longer cardigan
  • Midi skirt with shorter sweater and boots
  • Skinny jeans or leggings with a longer top
  • Dress, with or without a cardigan

When Considering Colors…

When choosing accessories, remember that whatever colors you’ve chosen to wear shouldn’t be left hanging out alone. Pick up colors from your clothing in your jewelry, shoes, belt, hair accessories, etc.

  • Brown pants, orange, peach & green top, orange earrings, brown shoes
  • Jeans, burgundy top, gray sweater, burgundy belt, black shoes or boots, gray or black necklace/earrings
  • Black and white top, red pants, black shoes, white jean jacket, red earrings
  • Black dress, black shoes, gold earrings, gold and black shawl
  • Navy pants, royal, navy and chestnut brown blouse, brown cardigan, brown shoes, mixed blue and gold earrings

In Conclusion

To sum up, prepare your closet by organizing items, while in your mind create a daily uniform outline or plan. When getting dressed choose pieces to complete the uniform based on your day’s events. The possibilities are endless, it’s up to you to determine the formula that works best for your lifestyle. Good luck creating your daily outfit!